Hello everyone. Hair removal is actually quite an ancient practice. I know this sounds odd but it has always been an interest of mine. Not just because as a woman I like to remain relatively hairless, but because I find the historical practice of hair removal fascinating.

On this site we'll look at all of the different ways you can remove hair. Some are very simple, others are incredibly complex. But for men and women alike it's usually an important routine. It's a very important part of many people's beauty routines.

We could be doing it for any number of reasons such as:
  • Hygiene
  • The way it looks
  • Style
  • Feel
  • Cultural / religious reasons

We'll look at hair removal from the point of view of the everyday person (usually a woman) who just wants to know the best hair removal methods. So we won't look at hairstyles etc too much. 

So we'll look at shaving, waxing, laser hair removal, electrolysis, epilation and anything else I can think of! Advantages, disadvantages and my general opinion on the method will be looked at.

I have struggled with excess hair in the past, so I know what it's like to spend hours of your time obsessing over getting rid of it.

Will be writing another post soon with the most obvious method... shaving!

We'll hopefully look at the treatments you can get yourself at home, and in a clinic or salon.

